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Mallet Finger Injury-Everything You Need To Know

When participating in sports, do you ever feel that the very top of your fingers is jarred? You may well have felt immediate agony, noticed a "pop" tone upon impact or been unable to completely extend the finger. Whenever this is the case, you have very likely had a mallet finger injury.

What exactly is mallet finger? How is mallet finger identified? What is the best way to treat mallet finger? What is the finest mallet finger splint? This post will address all of your concerns about mallet finger injuries and help you get back into ball sports.

What is a mallet finger?

When you can't stretch out the top of your fingers, you have mallet finger. This generally happens when you apply a lot of pressure to the point of your straightened finger, triggering the muscle that tightens your finger to burst.

This tendon may rupture due to a laceration, illness, or infection. It is customary to remove a little portion of the bone along with the tendon. This is referred to as an avulsion mallet finger.

How does mallet finger happen?

Any direct hit from a baseball (or football, basketball, or volleyball) to your outstretched fingers may rupture the tendon that straightens the tip of your finger. This is referred to as the extensor tendon. Other direct influences, even if of a lower magnitude, may have the same effect.

An extensor tendon injury will prohibit you from straightening your fingertip.

Mallet finger is particularly common in young men who participate in sports. In children, the injury is more likely to be caused by a direct shock, such as crushing a finger in a door.

Although most mallet finger injuries are caused by a strong hit to the tendon, a small force may still tear the tendon. Low-impact injuries are more common in elderly women during tasks such as putting on socks or making a bed.

Can finger cracking cause a mallet finger?

There is no direct relation between finger cracking and mallet finger. Finger cracking sometimes causes arthritis, but not directly related to mallet finger. While doing finger cracking, it may happen that for extensive pressure the tendon might get hurt and cause mallet finger, but this is a rare case. Because we don’t usually don’t put much pressure while cracking.

If I continuously ride a motorbike, will I have a mallet finger?

Though riding a motorbike will not create a mallet finger. But getting hurt in a motorbike accident or a hit may create a mallet finger.

What are the symptoms of a mallet finger?

Following the first discomfort of the injury, you may experience:

  • Swelling.
  • Bruising.
  • Redness.
  • Unable to straighten your fingertip.
  • Tenderness.
  • A broken fingernail.
  • Redness beneath the fingernail bed

How to diagnose a mallet finger?

By inspecting your dropped fingertip, your doctor will be able to identify mallet finger. They may prescribe an X-ray as well as an MRI or ultrasound to determine the degree of your tendon and bone injuries.

An X-ray will reveal the tendon rupture, any bone fractures, and whether the bone is out of position. Ultrasound and MRI are more sensitive in visualizing possible bone fragments.

How to treat a mallet finger?

treatment of mallet finger

The majority of mallet finger injuries may be treated without surgery. Most may be treated entirely with non-removable finger splinting until the tendon heals or the bone seals the fracture.

If there is no cut or laceration, a cold compress (ice) can be used to reduce swelling. The hand can be raised (fingers toward the ceiling). To maintain the joint straight, a tongue depressor or a clean popsicle stick can be briefly attached to the bottom or top of the finger across the joint. The tape should be sufficiently slack to enable sensation and blood flow to the fingertip.

When a mallet finger injury has a significant bone fragment or the joint is not adequately positioned, surgery may be considered. Wires or tiny screws are utilized to straighten the joint in these circumstances. If wearing a splint is difficult or unsuccessful in the past, surgery may be considered. A wire may be placed in the finger to maintain it straight, the tendon may be stitched together or a new tendon created, or the joint may be fused to keep it straight. Your hand surgeon will assist you in determining the best treatment option for you.

Does mallet finger require surgery?

Mallet finger surgery is uncommon. However, if your joint is misplaced, your finger is cracked, or there are bone fragments resulting in an unstable joint, your injury is classified as "difficult" and may need surgery.

How to fix mallet finger by non-surgical treatment?

Splinting is used to treat the majority of mallet finger injuries. Until the fingertip heals, a splint keeps it straight (in extension). Splints of many varieties are used to treat mallet finger, with many of them being made by hand therapists.

Where to buy a mallet finger splint?

You can buy a mallet finger splint easily from our store. Visit our website and see our finger splint products and find your suitable mallet finger splint.

What happens if mallet finger goes untreated?

Mallet finger, if left untreated, can result in a swan neck deformity due to PIP joint hyperextension and DIP joint flexion. Most mallet finger injuries may be treated non-surgically, although surgery may be necessary for an acute or chronic mallet finger, or to salvage failed earlier therapy.

How to prevent a mallet finger?

Take precautions before participating in activities, particularly sporting events, to avoid such injuries. Participate only when your doctor has given you the all-clear. To help avoid injuries to the same finger from recurring, wear the splint for the whole period prescribed by the doctor.

Final thoughts

A mallet finger injury is extremely inconvenient and might take a long time to recover. Patience is essential while dealing with this vexing ailment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you play sports with mallet finger?
    You should be able to resume normal activities immediately following therapy. Most people can still participate in sports while wearing a finger splint. When it is okay to play sports without a splint, your doctor will advise you. Even after therapy, your fingertip may still have a tiny slant to it.

  • Can you play football with mallet finger?
    You can play football with mallet finger if your doctor suggests you to play. Always consult your doctor before going to play.

  • Can a mallet finger be fixed after long-time?
    A mallet finger can usually be corrected with an orthosis (or splint) that maintains it straight for many weeks; but, it can occasionally be more problematic, which is why it is a good idea to get it properly checked.

  • How to get rid of mallet finger?
    The most frequent therapy for mallet finger is to wear a splint on your finger to keep it straight. You may need to wear a splint for varying amounts of time. If your tendon is merely strained and not torn, it should mend in 4 to 6 weeks if you keep it in a splint at all times.
