Each year, millions of Australians see their neighborhood podiatrist because of foot and ankle problems. Many of these patients get treatment for minor foot disorders such as bunions, corns, flat feet, athlete's foot, warts, or ingrown nails after complaining of pain, stiffness, swelling, or different deformities. Patients should seek the assistance of a certified orthopedic foot and ankle specialist for more complicated musculoskeletal issues.
The following five frequent foot and ankle ailments are all best handled by our knowledgeable staff. You can get orthotics for each of these five typical ankle problems online from Australian Healthcare Supplies.
Five typical ankle and foot injuries

Achilles Tendonitis or Rupture
The Achilles links the two main calf muscles to the heel bone and is the biggest tendon in the body. Due to misuse, the

tendon that runs longitudinally along the back of the ankle is especially prone to inflammation. Achilles tendinitis is the name of the ailment, and tendonitis ankle therapy may be used to cure it.
After repeated inflammation and damage have accumulated over time in those with Achilles tendonitis, they are also more vulnerable to an Achilles tear or complete rupture. But abrupt trauma might also result in this harm. The Achilles tendon may have ruptured if a patient feels or hears a popping sound after landing a jump and develops heel discomfort. A foot and ankle specialist might do a physical examination or request an MRI to assess the kind and severity of the injury.
TreatmentSelf-care techniques are often effective for tendinitis. However, if your symptoms are severe or persistent, your doctor could advise trying a different course of action.
Your doctor may prescribe stronger drugs to decrease inflammation and alleviate pain if over-the-counter painkillers are insufficient.
Physical treatment.
The following are some possible treatments that a physical therapist could advise:
Exercises. To encourage healing and strengthening of the Achilles tendon and its supporting components, therapists often recommend particular stretches and strengthening activities.
It has been discovered that "eccentric" strengthening, an unique sort of training that involves slowly lowering a weight after lifting it, is very beneficial for chronic Achilles issues.
Orthotic equipment. The Achilles tendon may be spared stress by using a shoe insert or wedge that lifts your heel just enough to soften the force being applied to it.
Surgery to repair your Achilles tendon may be recommended by your doctor if many months of more conservative therapies have failed or if the tendon has ripped.
Ankle Sprain
By connecting one bone to another, ligaments—bands of connective tissue—provide support and strength to joints. Ligaments in the ankle prevent excessive side-to-side movement of the joint. One or more ligaments have been stretched or torn when a sprain occurs. The syndesmotic ligament, which extends from the knee down into the ankle, is impacted by high ankle sprains, one of the most frequent foot and ankle ailments.

While most sprains are mild and will recover with rest and ice, it is crucial to contact a doctor if swelling and discomfort are persistent. In fact, moderate to severe sprains that go untreated over time may weaken the ankle, even result in recurrent sprains, or even cause additional ankle ailments. In the long run, recurrent ankle sprains may lead to arthritis.
The degree of your injury will determine how you are treated for a sprained ankle. Reduced discomfort and swelling, ligament repair, and ankle function restoration are the main objectives of therapy. If your injuries are serious, you can be sent to an orthopedic surgeon or a doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation who specializes in musculoskeletal injuries.
For the first two or three days, self-care for an ankle sprain should follow the R.I.C.E. protocol:
Rest. Avoid doing things that hurt, itch, or make you uncomfortable.
Ice. While you are awake, use an ice pack or take an ice bath for 15 to 20 minutes right away, then repeat every two to three hours. Before using ice, see your doctor if you have diabetes, vascular disease, or impaired feeling.
Compression. Compress the ankle with an elastic bandage until the swelling subsides to help halt it. Don't wrap too tightly to restrict blood flow. At the end that is farthest from your heart, start wrapping.
Elevation. Elevate your ankle above the level of your heart, particularly at night, to lessen swelling. By removing more fluid, gravity reduces swelling.
Most of the time, over-the-counter painkillers are sufficient to control the discomfort of a sprained ankle.
You may need to use crutches until the pain goes away since walking with a sprained ankle can be uncomfortable. Your doctor could advise using an elastic bandage, athletic tape, or ankle support brace to stabilize the ankle, depending on the degree of the sprain. A cast or walking boot may be required in the event of a serious sprain to keep the ankle immobile while it heals.
Your doctor will instruct you to start a series of exercises to regain your ankle's range of motion, strength, flexibility, and stability once the swelling and discomfort have subsided sufficiently for you to resume mobility. The proper technique and sequence of exercises will be described by your doctor or a physical therapist.
In order to retrain the ankle muscles to cooperate and support the joint and to aid in the prevention of recurring sprains, balance and stability training is particularly crucial. Different levels of balancing challenges, such as standing on one leg, may be a part of these workouts.
Ask your doctor when you can resume your activities if you injured your ankle while exercising or playing a sport. To find out how well your ankle works for the sports you play, your doctor or physical therapist may ask you to participate in specific activity and mobility tests.
Surgery is sometimes necessary when an injury doesn't heal or the ankle is still unstable after extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises. Surgery might be done to:
- Unhealing ligaments may be repaired
- Using tissue from a neighboring ligament or tendon, reconstruct a ligament
Ankle Stress Fractures
The effect of excessive and repeated stress has the potential to harm the foot's bones on a microscopic level. Stress fractures are caused by repeated impact over time, as opposed to acute fractures, which often develop as a consequence of a specific traumatic incident. Tiny fractures in the bones might develop when the supporting muscles and bones are not given enough time to recover between workouts.

Additionally, when a person alters their regular physical activity, stress fractures may develop. An abrupt increase in activity, for instance, or a change in the surface of the exercise may also result in this kind of injury.
Most often, these stress fractures occur in:
- Second or third metatarsal
- 5th metatarsal's base
- Navicular
- The big toe's sesamoids
Foot stress fractures are often treated using the following methods:
Rest: While your stress fracture heals, a doctor will normally urge you to refrain from placing weight on your foot for 6 to 8 weeks. A list of safe activities you may engage in during this time may be provided by your doctor.
Ice: Ice may help ease pain and minimize swelling in your foot.
Elevate: Elevating your foot when sitting and at sleep may reduce edema and aid in the drainage of extra fluid.
Your physician could suggest over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications to assist you manage your discomfort (NSAIDs). Your doctor could give you a prescription for stronger NSAIDs if your pain is more intense.
Orthotic aid
Casting is not always necessary, however certain stress fractures of the foot do. While the bone heals, casting may help keep your foot stable.
Protective footwear: When you must stand or walk, protective footwear may lessen the strain on your feet.
Most stress fractures may be treated non-operatively. Surgery, however, may sometimes be required to stabilize the bone and guarantee full healing. Typically, to keep the bone in your foot together, medical screws or plates are inserted into the bone.
Ankle fractures
A fracture in one of the ankle bones is often caused by trauma or impact, as opposed to the minor stress fractures that may form in the foot. Although it is not unusual for both to happen concurrently, an ankle fracture is a very distinct injury from an ankle sprain. Nevertheless, people sometimes mix the two together and give themselves the erroneous diagnosis.

An orthopedic ankle specialist must treat an ankle fracture since it is a significant injury that might include one or more bones, pain, edema, bruising, deformity, blistering, or other symptoms. To lower the danger of infection, the injury must be treated right once if there is a bone poking through the skin.
If you think you could have a fracture, contact your doctor right away or go straight to the emergency room of a hospital. Until you can visit a hospital or doctor's office, you may do the following:
- Avoid moving on the hurt ankle to prevent additional damage
- Keep the ankle elevated to lessen discomfort and swelling
- To lessen discomfort and swelling, apply cold compresses to the damaged region. Do not immediately apply ice. Up to 48 hours are all that cold packs need to work
Ibuprofen may be the best medication for ankle injuries since it reduces inflammation as well as pain. If you use any other medications or dietary supplements or have any medical issues, however, see your doctor first.
Orthotic treatment
Often, treating fractured ankles calls for a multidisciplinary strategy. Podiatrists are qualified to diagnose and treat broken ankles, so they may be a member of your care team. Wearing an offloading boot, which is intended to maintain the bone in place while it heals, may be part of the treatment.
As you recuperate and go back to your everyday activities, custom-made orthotics may also aid unloading and support your ankle.
In order to reach the broken bone during surgery and screw on specially made plates to straighten and stabilize the shattered sections, an incision is made above the ankle. The surgically repaired ankle is subsequently immobilized with a splint or cast once the incision has been sutured shut.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot and ankle problems in adults. Every year, this issue is treated for by close to two million individuals. It happens when the tissue band known as the fascia in the arch of the foot gets inflamed, producing excruciating heel pain.

The majority of people with this illness report discomfort with their first few movements after waking up or after an extended period of rest. The discomfort will often greatly lessen when the band has had chance to stretch, but it will return after each time it is resting.
Depending on the severity of the condition, some instances of Plantar Fasciitis may be treated with only rest, ice, and stretching; however, other cases may need anti-inflammatory medicine and the use of a heel pad.
You're not the only one who has this situation. It's among the most prevalent orthopedic foot issues in adults. Find a professional who can put you on a road to recovery by suggesting the best course of action!
Final thoughts
Always be careful to prevent injury while starting an exercise program again. Injuries to the foot and ankle are frequent following extended periods of inactivity. In order for you to know when it's time to seek care, we hope this guide will help you recognize the most typical foot and ankle ailments.
Always be careful to prevent injury while starting an exercise program again. Injuries to the foot and ankle are frequent following extended periods of inactivity. In order for you to know when it's time to seek care, we hope this guide will help you recognize the most typical foot and ankle ailments.